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Better u institute

Welcome To

Better u institute

Dr. Benjamin S. Akins


With decades of experience in various areas of leadership, ministry, coaching, consulting, and character development, I am committed to helping others achieve a greater sense of self-awareness and personal accountability. As your certified life coach, I provide a significant degree of clarity that leads to deeper understanding and responsible action.

Let's Go To Work!

My objective is to help you clarify your own agenda and support you in creating and following through on a success strategy to achieve your goals. The process is intentional and sustained by three distinct pillars:


I will challenge you to raise your awareness and strengthen your belief in the possibilities.

“Many people would do more if they knew more.”


I will remind you of the advantages of self-investment.

“It is about YOU. There is a difference between being selfish and making yourself a priority.”


I will help to provide you with life-altering tools through brain-based coaching and proven systems that work.

“Tools work best when you know how to use them.”



My objective is to help you clarify your own agenda and support you in creating and following through on a success strategy to achieve your goals. The process is intentional and sustained by three distinct pillars:


I will challenge you to raise your awareness and strengthen your belief in the possibilities.

“Many people would do more if they knew more.”


I will remind you of the advantages of self-investment.

“It is about YOU. There is a difference between being selfish and making yourself a priority.”


I will help to provide you with life-altering tools through brain-based coaching and proven systems that work.

“Tools work best when you know how to use them.”



what successful people are saying...

“For well over 20 years, I have known Dr. Akins to be a complete package, ripe with leadership, wisdom, and principles. His keen sense of problem-solving delivers direct and appropriate solutions to multilayered inefficiencies. He approaches complexities with an eclectic repertoire and is certainly one of the great minds of our time.”

* Leadership Executive | United States Marine Corps (Retiree)

“A consummate professional! Dr. Akins has mastered the balance of coaching and caring that not only helps and heals, but is relevant and reinvigorating. He is present through the entire process. A joy to work with!”

* Professional Speaker | Author

“The ability to be an instrument to transform the mind to effectuate life changes is a gift that few possess. To have access to this wellspring of ability is priceless because heeding to its instruction is the crust of success. Over the last 25 years, I have been among those fortunate travelers who have had unlimited access to the insight, compassion, wisdom, and deportment of Dr. Benjamin Akins. His counsel has been invaluable when navigating through my fog of decisions to discover the tentacles of success already attached to my being. Your greatness will be uncovered immediately and nurtured as you continue to grow under his guidance.”

* Director of the Military & Veterans Bureau | Republican Speaker for Minority Affairs for the State of New Jersey

“When I think of Benjamin Akins, I think of the type of leaders that had the guts to declare independence and create America. Dr. Akins is a leader, coach, confidant and counselor. He has a keen instinct on motivating people and inspiring them to go places they didn’t think their mind or body would ever travel. He’s the person you want in the foxhole with you on life’s journey.”

* Treasurer of Ohio, 2011-2019 

“It was a wonderful feeling knowing that you were there at a time when I didn’t think very highly of myself or my intellect. I always knew I could come to you and get help or advice without any judgment. There were numerous times that you guided me both personally and professionally. Thank you for your invaluable time, kindness, compassion and for being such an inspiration to me during a very pivotal time in my life. You’re an amazing coach, consultant, and mentor.”

* Human Resources Officer

“For almost 30 years, I have observed Dr. Akins invest time and sweat-equity into the development of others. His personal commitment to succeed transitions into his work ethic and passion to inspire others. Many lives have been changed because of Dr. Akins’ influence — many more will.”

* Business Psychologist | Motivational Speaker

“I have known Dr. Akins for 20 years. I served under his leadership as a Marine Corps Drill Instructor. His team building skills are unmatched. He coaches with a principle-based philosophy, which is applicable to holistic personal and professional development. Dr. Akins is a visionary; results-driven and an asset to those who know him and seek his counsel.”

* Real Estate Investor | Entrepreneur


“Benjamin Akins, my personal life coach, business consultant, and best friend, is invaluable, amazing, encouraging, honest, and straightforward. He has enriched my life in countless ways; pushing me past my limiting beliefs and challenging me to pursue my own greatness, while remaining true to himself and the integrity of every aspect of our relationship.”

* Logistics Manager, Department of Defense, United States Air Force

“Ben has always displayed a high degree of integrity, accountability and ambition. He is truly a leader’s leader. In addition to his excellent scholastic achievements, he has proven his versatility by being the catalyst for prosperity within his community and amongst friends and family.”

* MBA | CEO, Eryk G Photography

“I had the distinct pleasure and privilege of knowing and working alongside Ben Akins for 20+ years as a fellow Marine and friend. We have experienced and endured all spectrums of life and what I find most admirable is his character. He is spiritually grounded and I have sought his counsel on a multitude of occasions. Equally, he is brilliant in ability, and maintains an impressive knowledge base. He has an unmatched zeal for life and a passion for success. Simply put, Ben is morally upright, highly-skilled, consistent, and stands by his word.

* Lieutenant Colonel, United States Marine Corps


“Get ready to become a Better U, and discover a renewed sense of personal accountability with insight from a masterful teacher. Dr. Akins has the unique ability to sharpen your life skills, while constantly encouraging you to ‘level up’. Through repetition, patience, integrity, and commitment to the mature process, you will achieve profitable growth solutions over time.”

* Global Expansion Director

“I have known Ben for 13+ years. He has always been one to motivate, coach, and encourage everyone around him to extend the boundaries of their imagination. His attention-to-detail has always been the catalysis that accelerated transformation in the lives of everyone in his sphere of influence. Ben’s ability to pinpoint your position in the social process speaks volumes to the type of transactional and transformational skills he possesses.”

* Master Gunnery Sergeant, United States Marine Corps (Retiree) | National Vice President, National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. | Senior Vice President, Support Division (Access Health Louisiana)

“A brother and mentor in more ways than one, Dr. Akins sets a standard that many young leaders and professionals can emulate, naturally and spiritually. Since our initial encounter in church, to personal guidance and advice as a Marine Corps Drill Instructor, Dr. Akins inspired me with motivation to go the extra mile in multiple areas of life. A catalyst for innovation, he intuitively invokes initiative producing positive results in every endeavor. A natural leader indeed.”

* Pastor, Agape Empowerment Ministries, Inc. | Director of Veterans Affairs, Jasper County, South Carolina

“Dr. Benjamin Akins is one of those people you meet and immediately get the impression he is highly qualified and extremely good at everything he does. Gifted with an exceptional degree of wisdom and perspective at an early age, Dr. Akins inspired me (a great young man) to achieve another level of greatness. His leadership influence was instrumental in my decision to partner with him in his service as pastor and spiritual counselor. His understanding of the written Word is complemented by his self-discipline and tenacity in the pursuit of truth. I’m proud to have known him as a brother, friend, pastor, spiritual advisor, and personal life coach. As a self-proclaimed ‘Alpha’ male, I believe it takes the best to lead the best, instruct the best, and more importantly, cut through the ego and advise the best.”

* Engineer Experienced | Entrepreneur

“I met Benjamin when he began working as a Department of Defense civilian for the USAF after a long and illustrious career with the USMC. I believed myself to be helping him with his transition from active-duty service as a ‘Gunny’ to civil service; in reality, he was helping me during a pivotal transition in both my professional and personal life. He helped me through some very difficult times before, during, and after an Afghanistan deployment. I still call upon him from time-to-time for supervisory, parenting, and relationship advice. He is wise beyond his years.”

* Colonel, United States Air Force, Squadron Commander


“Meeting Dr. Akins, over 17-years ago framed my military career in more ways than words could ever express. Having the ability to coach and mentor a young Marine, in 17 training days, to the point of following his guidance in virtually all aspects of life speaks to the level at which he performs. Whether making personal or professional decisions, without hesitation, he remains within my top-three trusted advisers. His counsel is always spot-on, well-articulated, and undoubtedly the best one could seek. This man has a magical sense that can transform any individual or organization into a top-tier fully functional entity within a short time frame.”

* Sergeant Major, United States Marine Corps (Retiree) | Founder & Owner, Elite 9 Veteran Talent Acquisition Services, LLC

“I have had the distinct honor, pleasure, and privilege of knowing Dr. Akins for nearly thirty years. I observed him as a successful United States Marine, matriculate the levels of academia, and evolve into this incredible emblem of leadership. He is a consummate professional, whose warrior-spirit is unmatched. He has an uncanny ability to coach, mentor, and inspire anyone to seek and achieve their best. He is the real deal.”

* Sergeant Major, United States Marine Corps (Retiree)

“Ben is one of the best motivational speakers I have known in my 25-years of active service in the United States Marine Corps. His command presence and ability to captivate an audience is above reproach. He is a true lamp lighter.”

* Chief Warrant Officer 4, United States Marine Corps

April Edwards Updated Photo

“In three months, I learned more than I thought about myself in over 40-years. Today, I have a greater sense of clarity regarding my values, goals, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and struggles. The diligent leadership and ability to build trust, while dismantling the emotional and psychological barriers personify Dr. Akins’ coaching capacity. I did not realize my own degree of brokenness until beginning the coach/client relationship at “Better U”. Through the process, I began to develop the emotional competence and the intellectual maturity to identify my own greatness and chart a new course for myself on the road to success. The BUI principles are not just preached, they are practiced and exemplified in all aspects of Dr. Akins’ life. For this reason, he is not only my personal life coach, I am now able to call him, my friend. Without a doubt, this is the best self-investment I have made to date and I’m excited about the road ahead.”

* Resolution Specialist | Entrepreneur

“Dr. Akins met me where I was and facilitated the beginning of my transformation. Through the power of perspective, he helped me remain committed to the evolution of self and better understand the need for clarity, personal accountability, and responsible action. He is an exceptional teacher, coach, and friend. During our time together, I achieved major milestones, rekindled personal and professional relationships, recovered the good in every experience, and discovered the benefits of holistic life balance. His coaching techniques highlighted my strengths, while targeting my triggers, struggles, and weaknesses. “Tools work best when you know how to use them” therefore I am grateful for the knowledge, skills, abilities, and understanding obtained during the “Better U” process. Today, I am more confident and fulfilled than ever before.”

* Master Stylist, Beauty Professional

“About a year ago, I felt lost, confused, and empty inside though I had lots of love around me. I was emotionally drained and in need of help. Dr. Akins, who I affectionately call, “Dr. A” became the help I needed. He taught me the importance of making myself priority number one, not selfishly but in a self-empowering way. I invested heavily in myself and now I’m on the road to becoming my best self – with purpose, on purpose. “Dr. A” taught me the value of a mindset reset to include the proper steps and components associated with it. ‘I am what I take the time to become,’ and though it is not easy, it has been worth it. I thank Dr. Akins for his leadership, mentorship, coaching and for modeling it throughout the process. He taught me to believe in myself with a high level of self-confidence and faith in the possibilities.”

* Professional School Bus Driver | Entrepreneur

"Live each day with purpose, on purpose."

"Own Your Happiness!"